Wise Thought

Glasses Wisdom

Glasses can be just plain glasses, sun glasses or reading glasses. Glasses usually uses to aid for see better, it can be minus, plus , cylinder, or combine of that. But glasses can be used for cover your eyes from sun or for mode.

It started one month ago when i look into my brother laptop, and i can’t read the font in the screen. So, i think something wrong and it is my glasses because it is full of scratch. And then after that i’m always bothered by my glasses so i decided to have a new glasses. Two week ago, i have new glasses and make my point of view change. And then my head is popped up a wisdom about glasses so i called it glasses wisdom. Even though not everyone use glasses but in this case glasses is just metaphor of our point of view.

This wisdom is

Wise Thought

Frog Wisdom

Frog is some of the special animal because can live in 2 world, land and water. This animal have many color actually in wild live but in picture just in green color. This animal eat bugs and that why programmer must love them. To move to another place they just jump forward although they actually can jump vertical too. They also famous in fairy tale as a beautiful princess but there is joke about them also as a talking frog.

Okay, lets the story begin there is competition for frog to reach the top of tower that very high to become king of the frog. And many frog that participated in that competition. And every floor is up then fewer frog that reach the floor because they feel tired and the audience shout you can’t do it. And the participant going up and up. Until last floor and there is left two frogs that compete to the top but they all is very exhausted and think it’s end. And now the audience shout more loudly and tell that impossible to do it or they die. Then one frog think maybe i must trust them because live is better then die because trying to be king. And then that frog is stopped to move and rest. But the other frog even look very tired try and always try to reach the top inch by inch. And then finally it’s reach the top. And audience proud of the frog and ask why you not lose hope and stopped. It can’t hear them of course because it’s deaf.

So, wisdom of story is “Try your best and don’t let your spirit down just because people tell that impossible for you” because when you lost your spirit then you lose.

source: i change a bit story i hear from various source

Daily Life Wise Thought

Erma, snapshot of real angel in Lotus

Erma? who is her? she is someone which one own motorbike that i crashed.  So, what is so special about her? To know how special she is, let’s get to know the story first.

It begin when i finished eating es cream in Lotus with friends and started to move my car out of parking lot. Then I’m going to move backward in purpose to make space for going out from park, then i crash into someone motorbike. And the motorbike is fall down, then the security guys tell me to stop, even tough i had stopped. And i walk out from my car to checked the motorbike, it looks little scratched and no minor damage other then that.

So, i intended to going home, but one of the security guys told me to wait because he said that he want to call the owner. So, i tell okay and say let’s me park the car first, the security guy agreed with worry. Then i wait and make a little chit chat with the security guy that left in parking lot. Not so long after, the owner came up.

Wise Thought

Wall Wisdom

Do you think can hide your emotion perfectly? do you think it’s okay to act differently and people will understand you somehow? do you think it’s okay to avoid pain and not become hurt?  if you answer this yes, then your mind is absolutely wrong cause we not life alone in the world, wake up !!!.

Of course all the act before is like you build wall around you and when you feel not safe, and when you still feel not safe then you build more wall around you and it’s become more,  more thick. And one by one people can’t reach you because you cover up by wall and last just few people around you. And you think they can reach you but it’s also still absolutely wrong.

Because they also can’t reach you but they just accept you and your wall as one packet. Nobody but you that can make people can reach you, so you must be brave, fight your fear and come up to surface not just hide beneath your wall. Because it’s better to have real emotion than just pretend have emotion but it’s just in your mind. Of course it’s not easy and comfort but you must make a crack, not just do it slowly to decrease the thickness. Because you will just going in one place, you will likely go to your safe place if it’s danger then the wall become thick, thin, thick, thin and not going anywhere.

And if you still think you are right then you will not change forget the rest of the reading. To accept change first we must know that what is we know right not always right and it can be wrong. And later after we know it was wrong then we can slowly change it to become right. Of course first trying will make it’s feel awkward but if you want make it habit.  Then you need to know how act become habit, and it will be done automatically. The key is it must be repetitive and constantly do for some time to make everything become habit. And based on latest research it at least need 22 days to become automatically and average it’s need 30 days. It’s okay if you forgot for one time but not twice in a row.

So, now it’s up to you live in your wall or break the wall and live it your live. If you still afraid at least give it try and if you fail to break your wall for first time, then try try try until you have made a crack. After you made crack you will be spirited to continue and soon or later the wall become break. So happy trying keep your spirit high.

Wise Thought

Miracle, key to keep faith

When we in a disaster then we will try our best to keep our life if we think there is hope that miracle will happen and we will survive the disaster. But if we think there is no miracle will happen and we will die soon, so we will lose faith and actually it eventually will happen because we don’t try to keep our life. Or when we have problem that look like it never solved and it’s haunted our life, just keep your faith that problem will solved cause miracle is happen. And miracle just happen to person that believe that miracle is real, and then just wait to happen. Cause when you really hope and believe it than nature will give respond. Then is up to you to take the chance or just let it go, and if you take the chance then miracle will come to your life. Keep believing and then miracle happen.

Wise Thought

Love, key to feel peace

Love is hard to explain but not love is easy to explain. Because not loving is will always come up with hatred or not care. And to express hatred is easy you can scold people, kick people, ignore people or even worse you can kill people. But our topic is love, and love is many kind depend on our relation with other. Love to our child, love to our spouse, love to our family, love to our country, love to our friend, but greatest love is love to humanity. Love is hard to give cause it can be wrong interpreted or wrong understand. Like when we want to help clean our spouse table but our spouse is angry cause our spouse hard to find the important notes or we want to help our child to happy by giving them present but they don’t like it cause it not toy they like. But by giving love to everyone you will be feel peace in mind cause you don’t keep hatred in your heart and you can eat, or do something without worry. And we must choose carefully to giving love cause it can be wrong understood or interpreted but not afraid to giving love.

Lets spread your love to everyone

Wise Thought

Keen, key to escape danger

Everyday we heard and read in news that people being  robbed, stolen, killed, pick-pocketed, injured, had accident, and other bad thing happen. And when we look more deeply we know that actually almost all the danger can be avoided if we more keen to situation. But also there is danger that just happen and we can’t avoided, for this danger we just can pray and hope that not happen. But for danger can be avoided, then we must try harder to avoid, like this example: we pass the quiet street to make come home faster, but in the middle of the street, then from nowhere came a robber and threat our life to take our valuables, or when we being stolen it’s because we don’t put our valuables carefully and so on. So to avoid this danger we need keen mind and by having it we will less encounter danger. Because with keen mind we will know something is not right before it’s happen and we can take another action and the danger is passed. So, let keep your mind keen to help you out of danger.

Wise Thought

Joy, key to achieve success

why there is successful people and unsuccessful people in the world? we feel jealous when we see successful person and feel ashamed when we not success. But actually what is the difference between successful and unsuccessful person in work? of course it  is a joy in the work we do. With joy in work we do, we will give our best effort to do the job and do the best work we can. But if it is no joy in the work we will just do the job. The result of the work will be different just by there is joy or not in the work. It’s like people who love fishing, they will know when it’s tide, where to find the fish, cause they have joy in their work. But people always afraid to do what they love in the job cause they afraid the job is not pay enough and it’s not right cause you will enjoy your job and you will rocket your income. So, Let’s chase joy in your work.

Happy chasing job of your dream.

Wise Thought

Insight, key to solve problem

Problem always happen to everyone and can be easy, or it’s very hard. And problem can take long time if we don’t know how to solve, and sometimes it make our life worse. And sometimes people thinking the easy way which is run from the problem but as you know it will always come then it will be mountain of problem. So it’s better to solve problem when it’s little. But we can find people which is look like almost not have problem, what they have? Insight, ability to perceive clearly of something. Then to have insight we must practice with easy problem first and we must use logic not emotion. And soon you will have the ability.

Happy Practice.

Wise Thought

Habit, key to improve life

As we know we hard to change our habit, so we must have a good habit at the first. to have good habit we must know what is it good or bad habit. Bad habit is drink or eat something that make our awareness down, use drugs, gamble, do asusila(cheat with other person) thing. And good habit is do sport regular, sleep well, not smoking, not gamble, not use drugs,  and so on. With good habit we can make our life value better cause we are healthy. So how to have good habit? to have a habit we must do one thing every day until it automatically happen. It like when you take a bath usually you must do the same thing and you not aware of that, or when you eating you always do the same way to eat and use same technical to grab the spoon or fork. So easy to have good habit just do good act until it is automatically happen.

Happy trying to have good habit and throw bad habit