Wise Thought

Galileo Galilei Wisdom

Galileo Galilei is come from Tuscan. He is a physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher. One of his achievement is improvement on telescope, and make astronomical observations is better.With this new telescope Galileo Galilei prove that Copernicus is right that earth is circle around sun not the opposite. And then he publishing and because it is opposite from the church belief than the church tell him to change it but he refuse. Then he is captive in jail until he change his mind, but turn out until he died he never change his mind.

Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei

The Galileo Galilei wisdom is you must say truth is a truth no matter what people belief.

Wise Thought

Microbe Proverb

When i wake up this morning, then this proverb is pop up in my mind. The proverb say microbe in next side of river can be seen but elephant in front of our eyes is invisible. This proverb mean we can see other mistake but not our mistake.

Why? because we have defend mechanism that thing our act is right and other act is false. so how we must act? actually is simple we must think out act from different perspective first and if still right than just do the act, and if is false than we must correct it. But what we do if the false act is just happen? we must apologize to the people which is become the object, and try to not make same mistake twice.

What must we do if we know other mistake? actually is simple first we must looked inside us do we make a same mistake. if yes then we correct ourselves first. And if we not then we must think for their good sake. And if this is for their good sake then we must think it is handy for them. And if this is handy for them than just say to them with polite word.

This two simple way to make our life better so remember first when we want to comment other lets look inside first and second before you act look from different perspective first. that all hope you enjoy your day.

Wise Thought

Choice Wisdom

If you given a choice become a rich person which is unhappy or become a poor person which is happy? which one that you choose. Or if you given a choice to live with your dream job with low salary or live without your dream job with high salary? which one that you choose. Sometimes life just given a hard choice like i mentioned before, but what really matter is what decision that we take. Because if we looked through the choice then we will see a bad option in every choice. So if you choose to become a winner than you will not take a choice from a bad option, instead we choose a good option from bad choice. Then you will ask what choice i take if given that question. For question one i will choose to become a rich person which is happy, and for the question two i will choose to live with your dream job with high salary. Then you say the choice is not available there, okay i admit the choice is not there but like i said before we must choose good option from bad choice. And you know that the good choice from question i mentioned before that i choose.

It’s really easy just to say it but implementation is very hard. Okay you right but we can try make a good option from bad choice just for a simple problem in our life and eventually it’s become habit and we will do it before we think. So the choice wisdom is choose “good option from bad choice that life give us“.

source : various source



What is karma? karma is effect or reaction from our act, if we doing good thing then we will get reward and if we doing bad thing then we will ger punishment. It is just like when we plant corn seed we will get corn plant not strawberry plant. Then we will curious there are any act don’t effect anything, ofcourse every act will have their own reaction but one act can nullify other effect of our previous act because every act have it’s own price. So, Karma have their own weight and there are very bad Karma it’s called Garuka Karma. If someone do Garuka Karma then will reincarnate in Avici Hell, the most fear Hell, example of Garuka Karma is killed your own parent.

Actually when we born? where we born? Which Family is we born? it’s because our previous karma. But we will questioning why if we doing something good then why something good not happen. It’s because Karma have it own time to bloom, it can be short, it can be long or even in our other life. So, we will not waiting something is bloom, but just always do good thing. Because we don’t know when disaster happen. So, presence of someone in disaster or not present from disaster is actually real example of Karma. Because we often hearing people that just coincidence leave from disaster before it’s start or arrive after disaster is happen it is not a miracle but it is a good karma is bloom. Or sometimes we hear people trap in disaster it is not because they are evil but just because their bad karma is bloom.

End of the word, just do good deed and wait it to bloom. And who knows we will survive a disaster.

Wise Thought

Rabbit and Turtle Story

In some era and dimension, Turtle arguing with Rabbit about which one is fastest. And this arguing is become more and more hotter without conclusion so they decide to have race tomorrow. And the day is come, many animal come to see this event, and then the race is start. Of course Rabbit leave behind the Turtle. After knowing Turtle is far behind then the Rabbit decide to had quick rest, and continue if the Turtle is near. But the situation is nice and the Rabbit become sleep. The Turtle keep running and then pass the Rabbit and become the winner. And the Rabbit is wake up and knowing that the Rabbit lose the race.

Moral : Consistency is way to success.

Because deep embarrassment, The Rabbit doing Root Cause Analysis and found out this lose because over confident, and reckless. So the Rabbit challenge the Turtle Again tomorrow and because winning yesterday so the Turtle accept that challenge. And the day is come and the race begin, the Rabbit leave the Turtle behind. And The Rabbit continue running until Finish. And the Rabbit is the winner.

moral : Fast and Consistency is better then just Consistency.

The Turtle is knowing that the Turtle can’t beat the Rabbit with this condition. So the Turtle challenge the Rabbit in other place tomorrow. And because The Rabbit sure can win, so the Rabbit accept the challenge. And the day is come, and the race begin. Like usual the Rabbit leave far behind the Turtle, but before come to finish there are river and the Rabbit can’t swim so the Rabbit in deep thought. And after long time in deep thought then the Rabbit saw the Turtle come and started to swim in river. And the Turtle pass the river and continue to Finish. And the Rabbit become silent watch the Turtle winning.

moral : Change the condition to suit our abilities.

Knowing the Rabbit is very sad, then the Turtle challenge the Rabbit again tomorrow but we will become team. And the day is come and the race is begin. First the Rabbit carry the Turtle until the river, then in the river the Turtle carry the Rabbit. And after pass the river then the Rabbit carry the Turtle until finish. The result is two of them came faster to Finish.

moral : clever and have ability without cooperative is useless because in team disability will fulfill with other team member.

End of the word, First Fast And Consistency Will Pass Just Consistency, Second Work Suit Your Ability, Third Work As A Team, Fourth Don’t Give Up If Fail, And the Last Compete With Situation Not With Rival.

source : various source

Wise Thought

Origin Destination Wisdom

When I’m going to office this morning, there are some police is stopped my way. And I’m little confused, afraid, and worry all feeling is mixed, but then there is one person without uniform ask where do you want to go? Then I’m reply “i want to go to Kediri street number 38 (my office place)” because I’m very surprise. But then the person ask again “where is it? Kuta? Nusa Dua?” Then I’m reply “Kuta”, and then the Person let me through. When I’m leaving the place, i see a sign that tell sorry for inconvenient because Origin Destination Survey. Then something growing in my mind about Origin Destination and after some time i see same activity in opposite direction, so this wisdom is pop up in my mind. Actually it can’t be called a wisdom, because it’s just a contemplation but who know it will inspire person.

What is our origin destination in life? Heaven or Hell? Everybody will say sure is Heaven, than i will ask you do you fit in Heaven? then people will give a reason why they fit in heaven. But if just a reason why we fit in heaven then everybody will find it. So it is not about a reason, is about feeling inside your heart which tell to you that you fit in heaven without doubt. Then you can continue your activity but if it is still a little doubt then you can continue to read.

What is the problem why your heart feel doubt? maybe it is about your scoundrel to your parent, or it is just because you trespassing red light, or it just because you often harm a animal. It is not about religion so i will not say if you do something than you will be punish with something. But actually when your heart telling you that you not feel ease if doing something than your heart will feel that you not fit in heaven. So if we want to go to heaven in our life then we must doing something that we feel ease in heart. Than Hopefully when we die we will go to Heaven.

The Origin Destination Wisdom is “You must do something you feel ease even when everyone think is weird” why is it? because your heart will guide your way to your heaven in life, why wait until you die.

Wise Thought

Quote of The Day

If somebody cannot Change again, then the Time is over for Him

This Quote is seem so simple, but it’s has a deep meaning for me. Because this quote tell me that nothing is static even the change itself. So if you think it’s feel good when hang out with same friend, or it’s feel good with your attitude, or it’s good with your surrounding environment or it’s good to wake up late. Then you must think it’s danger because you don’t want to go out from your comfort zone. Because if you don’t want to change then the Time is over for you. It’s not mean you must abandon your friend, or you just do something crazy just because you want to change. But it’s mean you must change to positive direction like maybe you’re a person that wake up late then you trying to wake up earlier. I know it’s hard to wake up much earlier but you can just wake up earlier one second. Then you progress day by day and then it’s will be habit. And you will be surprise because you will wake up without alarm, or maybe you wake up one hour earlier.

That meaning of the quote if we look from life side, but if we looking from bussines side. It’s will mean if you don’t want to change your best product, then you will be a loser. Because your best product maybe now it had a very good selling, but if you don’t make it better then the competitor will make a same product with lower price, or with good wrap, or with little improvement, And your customer will buy from your competitor because they give more advantages than your product. So, if your product now become top of the top selling in your region or maybe in the national or even in the world, then you must prepare with better product now and don’t wait until your product have bad selling. Because it’s too late, and you will be out of competition.

But if we look from personal matter, maybe you think it’s mean that we must keep our best personality and dump our bad personality. Or we think our personality is best of the best from everyone, but actually there are not every personality can be categorized, like Introvert, or Extrovert. This Personality is tell our preference with world and nothing in the world can say it’s wrong to become introvert or Nothing in the world can say it’s good to become extrovert because it’s come from our feeling deep inside our heart. But if you don’t want to change, then the Time is over for you. Because if you’re too quiet then everyone who not know you will think you arrogant, and your friend tend to forget you because they not know your mind. Or if you too noisy than everyone who not know you will think you annoying people, and your friend tend to forget you because they think you too energic. So, sometimes is better to become quiet and sometimes is better to become noisy but it’s better you combine it.

End of the word, “You must change to be better person“.

source : Intisari oktober 2008.

Wise Thought

There Monkeys Wisdom

Three Monkeys Picture
Three Monkeys Picture

I think everyone had known this wisdom, and when i search Google then i found there are two interpretation about this thing :
1. See No Evil, Hear No Evil, And Speak No Evil.
2. To enjoy live you need to be blind, deaf and dumb.

But when i hear the three monkeys wisdom is actually is not like the description above. Although I’m not clearly remember the story but i will tell it with adding the forgotten part with mine. The story is about a man name Poo who want to know secret to be happy in live, and then he ask a master of happiness. The Master just say you must past three condition from me if you want to know, and then Poo accept that offer. Then The Master told Poo to find out which is ripe apple using his eyes. And then Poo is hard to find it because them is lookalike, and The Master says you hard to find it because you overused it. Then Poo think and found out that just in one apple there are many fly not like other apples so he told the Master. The Master says you pass first test then he ask what make you choose that apple? Then Poo Says before you say i overused my eyes, i just focusing in the apple and trying to find the different but after you say then i’am trying to look around the apple and i saw fly flying around the apple but just in one apple is have many fly. The Master Say “You just learn one wisdom of happiness, you can stop now if you want” then Poo reject and want to continue with the test.

To be Continue…. to part 2

Wise Thought

Wisdom Quotes

“There’s no such thing as destiny. There are only different choices. Some choices are easy, some aren’t. Those are the really important ones, the ones that define us as people.” from Number 23

“The truth is you can never tell yourself there is only one thing you can be. You cannot make a real commitment unless you accept that it’s a choice you keep making again and again and again.” from Keeping the Faith

“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices.” from Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret

“I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I’m going to take a stand. I’m going to defend it. Right or wrong, I’m going to defend it.” from Ferris Bueller’s day Off

Just quotes for friend that still wondering their mind.

Source :

Wise Thought

Lump of Buffalo Excrement Wisdom

If Someday in your home you get a Lump of Buffalo Excrement from your neighbor that you never talk with, what is first cross in your mind? your neighbor is hate you, or your neighbor is just care.
Please answer first before read more.

You must choose before continuing.

Your Response to this problem is actually show mindset of your mind. if your mindset is negative, you will choose your neighbor is hate you because you think Lump of Buffalo Excrement is an insult from your neighbor and your neighbor give it to make your life hard . But if your mindset is positive, you will choose your neighbor is just care because you think Lump of Buffalo Excrement will make your garden become wonderful and your neighbor give it to show their attention.

The Lump of Buffalo Excrement Wisdom is “what you choose is that is really matter, not what is people think”

source : Gede Prama