
Tagline Changed

Dear Readers,

Now i change the tag-line of my blog from Daily Wisdom to Happiness into Deni Perspective of World. This change is needed because i think my blog is topic now change from what i plan before(deliver a wisdom every day to make everyone light up their day). And i thinks this new tag-line is suitable for now. Because:
– sometimes about wisdom is come from my perspective,
– sometimes about my wildness mind,
– sometimes about interesting thing in my life,
– sometimes about new stuff that i find interesting,
– sometimes about tips that i found useful.
But I hope i still can live up your day even though i not every day make post and it is not always about wisdom. So i hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for reading my blog.

Daily Life General

Happy Birthday

Although it’s 2 month ago my birthday and i don’t announce it in my blog in that time. But today in special day i will announce my birthday in 9 July so you will remember because today day with most nine in day so you at least will remember that my birthday day is nine and hopefully next year will be much present and greeting for me :p.

But actually birthday have a dilemma because we know that with our age add 1 in our birthday so we will near death by one step or at least one year. But in the other hand we will feel great in that day cause we know long time ago we born in that day and we will feel like new again. And maybe some of you like me in my birthday i will come up with new resolution for next year and hope next year in 9 July i will have great result.  But that not problem just enjoy your birthday and have fun.


Black Out Internet

Since 3 days ago my connection to internet is down and i can’t connect to internet. This internet black out cause by people which is cut down bts cable in 16 location in Bali which is  not professionally work and causing 88 location of bts error. And this problem make me skip 3 days to blog and missed the nablopomo event, but it’s okay there is next month to join the nablopomo. But this black out make me think that internet had been addictive thing in my life and i need to make priority.

But with so many thing i want to do in life and so little time to enjoy time for myself. Then i will start by gradually make my 101 thing to do in 1001 days list, and  i will start now. By time goes i update thing in the list while doing the other thing in list. It’s a dynamic list and i can change it if don’t feel suitable before i had do the task. But i can’t change the list after i do the task. Cause i often lazy to do routine thing and idea can come from anything but to become reality we must do the thing not just dream. And by written down the wish it will make easier to achieve and the universe will help us to make real.

And to tell other how i’m progress and what is the task i will make publish in one page, and make special tag for post the progress update which is “101/1001”. And because it’s my personal life and it can be very boring then you can just skip it, or if you feel interested to know the progress and give me courage you can read it and make comment. Thank for reading.

101 thing to do in 1001 project

start : 18 August 2009

end : 9 May 2012


National Blog Posting Month

This is posting just to make announce that i will try to join National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). Actually this for encourage me to make post for every day and be like my first purpose when create the blog to give a wisdom every day for everyone include myself. Cause i know everyone have their bad day and it’s different for everyone and i hope by reading my post for the day they feel happy. But as i had work to do it’s look like blogging come to last importance thing to do so i hope by join this event i been refresh with my first purpose.

Also in this posting i announce special tag for the event NaBloPoMo. This event actually come up from National Novel Writing Month which is create novel in a month in November but it become bigger and become National Blog Posting Month. And for all day later i will posting Alphabet of Wisdom.

Thanks for reading the announcement.


Happy Waesak 2553 / 2009

Hello everyone i want to congratulation Happy Waesak 2553 / 2009 to people who celebrate. Hope Buddha affection always with you, Dhamma Protection always with you, and Sangha Guidance always with you.


Theme Changed

Dear Reader,

Today I change my blog theme, please give your suggestion, critic, and comment about this new theme. And reason why my theme change cause my blog need a new look and now is the right time to change. Happy read and before i forgot HapPy April Mop.

*edited 3 April 2009

Just FYI from today there are new feature in my blog, quotes of the day, hope you enjoy.

Wise Thought

Rules Wisdom

Rules is something to lead us for doing something. Rules is used everywhere to control member of organization like UUD 45 in my country, Indonesia or just the rules man can’t come to woman boarding house after 10 pm. The rules can be written or just convention. And because rules is control our behavior then sometimes it’s feel to strict and hard to do. Then came jokes about Rules, which is “Rules is made to be broken“.

Rules for some people is like cage in their mind in worries, but for some people is like free their mind from worries. Then rules is actually depend on our mind, if we look from positive way then is like free our mind but if we look in negative way then came first definition. But if we think more deeply actually rules is release our mind and body from worry.

Why? it’s so simple when we not doing something against rule then our mind always at ease. So, when we see police we not afraid and hide, it’s not like when we just pass light lamp and saw police right after that or when we see our boss we not afraid and hide, it’s not like when we just skip our work and play then see our boss right after that. So rules it actually just set our mind free from worry cause without doing something wrong we will be not worry anytime we see anybody.

Then if we look more widely it can be like our life. For some people life without entertaining it’s okay,  or for some people life very economical it’s okay, or for some people life saving and economical for buy something we want it’s okay, or for some people life to work it’s okay even for some people life for other person wish it’s okay. why? cause it’s right thing to do for them. So, it’s like Rules wisdom which is “Do the Right thing then No More Worries Anytime and Anywhere“.

Today is time when Justice Defeat Evil so the right time to start the right thing, Happy Galungan for people who celebrate.

source : Gede Prama

Today History

Happy Valentine

Today 14 February is celebrated as Valentine Day. Many source tell about origin of Valentine Day and the most favorite story is about Saint Valentine which is very generous person death in this day because make two person become husband and wife. His death cause by execution based on the ruler of the city that jealous of the couple. And since that day 14 February is celebrated as Happy Valentine.

Other story about origin of Valentine Day that shocking is long time before on early February when Chocolate Fabric is in the midle of crisis because they over made chocolate. Then the owner ask his consultant to solve the problem, and the consultant say we must make one day that special to celebrate love that need to be celebrated by giving chocolate as symbol of the love of couple.

The owner agree about that and decide in 14 February because after February the chocolate will be bad. And the Chocolate Fabric promoting this event in all media and called it Valentine Day. Because every couple want to show their affection then they buy chocolate to be given to their soulmate. And boom the chocolate is sold out, then other seller know about this and they recreated the Valentine day must be celebrated not just by chocolate, it can be celebrated with flower, and other thing that special for the couple. And until now this day been celebrated as Valentine Day.

Beside of many origin about Valentine Day, now we have one special day to express our love to our love ones and celebrate it together. But how about not couple person, they can celebrate it by showing love to their friend and family.

Last, Happy Valentine Day for all the reader wish you full of love.

Daily Life

Cap Go Mek Day

Just want to say Cap Go Mek Day is come for people who celebrating. FYI Cap Go Mek is occurred in day 15 of first Candra Sengkala calendar. On this day usually people who celebrate eat Lontong, Curry, Abon, Manisa and other. But that is important is must use Lontong, so from this kind of food come menu called Lontong Cap Go Mek even it’s not Cap Go Mek.

So, what actually is Lontong? Lontong is rice covered by leaf usually banana leaf with shape like lemper but is more bigger, than it’s been steam in caldron. The taste is more delicious depend of how patient the maker waiting to wait until it’s become solid. Because if it’s too early to be taken, it will not cooked, but if it’s too late then it will become too soft.

Okay enough about food, is there any other event? yes you right usually people who celebrating pray to god too, it’s like Kuningan in Balinese Tradition. What we wishing for to god? actually it’s like we thanks god for the year that passed and hope year ahead is better than past year.

Hope you enjoy your Cap Go Mek, Happy Cap Go Mek.

Wise Thought

Happy New Year

In blink of eye then one day, one week, one month, one year is almost past by. Now almost time to celebrate new year and it make me thinks what different one year before and now? what is better? what is worsen? what is achieved? what is fail? what is hope for this year? what is goal for this year? what is plan for this year? what is your dream in this year?

Wait the second, Now is not 1st January, Oops you right is not 1st January but it is not to late to feel that as long as it’s still January February, :P. Actually it kinda late for new year, but not for Chinese New Year. And another reason is that i think of this matter is because my English teacher on my company told to me that “Fail to Plan is Plan to Fail“. It’s so wise and it slowly grow in my mind and then *boom*, and born this writing.

Okay then i will tell my plan for this year, writing a post a week because now work is very demanding, so i can’t free to post in office and also my mind is tired just for work when get’s home. I’m say Sorry for reader of this blog because i don’t post more than 1 month almost 2 month.

Now that’s the plan, and “Happy New Year and Gong Xi Fat Chay” for all of the reader, hope you with prosperus and happy year to come.