
Theme Changed

Dear Reader,

Today I change my blog theme, please give your suggestion, critic, and comment about this new theme. And reason why my theme change cause my blog need a new look and now is the right time to change. Happy read and before i forgot HapPy April Mop.

*edited 3 April 2009

Just FYI from today there are new feature in my blog, quotes of the day, hope you enjoy.

8 replies on “Theme Changed”

I knew the place in your banner, I took the picture when I am in ferry that went to Lombok. You must took permission from me first for the picture 😛 (Nope, just kidding. it is an honor the picture in your blog 🙂 ). Actually the theme is very simple. But it is okay, you can change your theme as you want.

yes you right, sorry i don’t ask permission but i think the picture is very good, thanks. Then you get the idea i want to make my blog look simple, and easy to load because somebody told me that my blog have long loading time.

@Miss Spider
Thanks for your support, 🙂

theme yg baru lebih cerah, bagus :). kemarin gue juga baru ganti theme, malah ganti yg lebih suram hehehe, masih mencari-cari yg pas nih :P. any idea?

Recommended post lead me to your blog. Guess what we both use the same blog theme!! Great mind think alike.

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