Today History

National Blogger Day

27 October 2007 is the day that been declared as National Blogger Day by Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika (Menkominfo) Mohammad Nuh in Pesta Blogger 2007, this event National Blogger Gathering in Blitz Megaplex, Jakarta. So, Today is exactly one year after the event, what blogger resolution for today? or more specific what is my resolution for today? Actually i just a newbie blogger that start in 8 September 2008 and it just one and half month, but actually it doesn’t matter because it’s matter is your blog is fit your reason to blog, quality your blog and your productivity in posting.

Pesta Blogger 2007
Pesta Blogger 2007

My New Resolution is i will post at least every 2 days, i will improve my English so quality of my post will be increased too, and i will try to make post that make you feel your every day is wonderful. That my resolution and we will see it comes true or not next year. Enough about me, now what your resolution?

Source : Phoenix Radio FM, Wikipedia, Detikinet

Today History

1 Oktober

Here Come new month, this day in Indonesia we celebrate “Hari Kesaktian Pancasila”. This event is occur at 1965, one day after G30SPKI, and it’s tell us that after the darkest day there are a light. Why i say that? it is because in G30SPKI there are 6 general and 1child is killed by PKI in “Lubang Buaya”. There are many rumor why this happen? because after this event Indonesia lose all his general except 1 general is survive. But it is not about politic so let pass all rumor instead we must be thankful because just in one day this darkest day is past and once again Pancasila show us his mighty power. But after Pancasila show us his mighty power there are dark era in Indonesia which is people can be killed just because suspected as PKI. In this era many people is killed and many people lose their freedom, but after some time this dark era is passed again. So, we must be thankful to live in this era not in that dark era.

Garuda Pancasila
Garuda Pancasila

This day is one out of two holiday that i have in “lebaran” because my company just give 2 days vacation in “lebaran”. So Lets enjoy our holiday and before i’m forget then I’m say “Minal Aidin Wal Faizin. Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin” to people that celebrate.

Today History

19 September

19 September 1983 Saint Kitts and Nevis (also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis) is freed from United Kingdom. Saint Kitts and Nevis located in the Leeward Islands, is a federal two-island nation in the West Indies. Capital from Saint Kitts and Nevis is Basseterre, area is 261 km²(207th) or 101 sq mi. Currency used is East Carribean dollar, the flag is:

Saint Kitts and Nevis Flag
Saint Kitts and Nevis Flag

And Location of Saint Kitts And Nevis is :
Map of Saint Kitts and Nevis
Map of Saint Kitts and Nevis

source : various source

Today History

18 September

18 September 1810, Chile declared its independent from Spanyol. Chile is a country in South America occupying a long and narrow coastal strip wedged between the Andes mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Capital of Chile is Santiago, and Chile area is 756,950 km² (38th) or 292,183 sq mi. Official language is Spanish and the people called Chilean. Currency Peso. Chile is divided to 15 region, and the flas is:

Chile Flag
Chile Flag

source : various sources

Today History

17 September

17 September 1945, PMI is founded by committee with 5 member which is: dr R. Mochtar (Leader), dr. Bahder Djohan (Writer), dan dr Djuhana; dr Marzuki; dr. Sitanala (member). PMI doing pioneering work with giving help to victim of war from revolution Indonesia and returning captive war from sekutu or jepang. Because those hard work, in 1950 PMI had acknowledgment from International and authorized by Keppres No.25 tahun 1959 then become more legitimate by Keppres No.246 tahun 1963. Now PMI is available in 30 Province and have 323 branch with 165 operational blood transfusion unit in Indonesia.

PMI job is to helping government in humanity, especially work that mentioned in Jenewa Convention 1949, which is ratification by Indonesian government in 1958 with UU No 59. When doing the job PMI must follow 7 principal : humanity, voluntary, neutrality, equality, independent, unity, and universal.

source :

Today History

16 September

16 September 1975, Papua New Guinea gain its independence from Australia. Papua New Guinea is a country located north of Australia, and east of Indonesia. Papua New Guinea area is 462,840 km2 (178,704 sq mi), Papua New Guinea is the world’s fifty-fourth largest country Papua New Guinea occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, with Irian Jaya on the western half. The country is divided into 20 provinces and is possibly the most culturally diverse on earth, with over 700 languages and tribes from a population of just under 6 million people, many of which remain untouched by outside influence.

Province in Papua New Guinea
Province in Papua New Guinea

There are three official languages for Papua New Guinea. English is an official language, and is the language of government and the education system, but it is not widely spoken. The primary lingua franca of the country is Tok Pisin, in which much of the debate in Parliament is conducted, many information campaigns and advertisements are presented, and until recently a national newspaper, Wantok, was published. The only area where Tok Pisin is not prevalent is the southern region of Papua, where people often use the third official language, Hiri Motu

Now Papua New Guinea is conducted by Michael Somare, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea’s climate is tropical, as one would expect in a country located just south of the Equator. December to March is the wet season, although occasional rain falls year-round. While Port Moresby, the capital, and other towns on the coast are quite hot in the summer months, temperatures are considerable cooler in the Highlands. July, August, and September are the best months for trekking vacations.

Nearly 85 percent of the main island is carpeted with tropical rain forest, containing vegetation that is a combination of Asian and Australian species. The country is also home to an impressive variety of exotic birds, including virtually all of the known species of birds of paradise, and it is blessed with more kinds of orchids than any other country. The main religion in Papua New Guinea is Christian, although many citizens combine their Christian faith with some pre-Christian traditional indigenous practices. Papua New Guinea Flag is :

Flag Picture
Flag Picture

source : various source

Today History

15 September

15 September 1890 , Agatha Christie is born in Torquay. Her original name when born is Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller. Her Parent were Frederick Alvah Miller, a rich American stockbroker, and Clarissa Margaret Boehmer, the English daughter of a British army captain. Christie had a sister, Margaret Frary Miller (1879 – 1950), called Madge, eleven years her senior, and a brother, Louis Montant Miller (1880 – 1929), called Monty, ten years older than Christie. Her father died when she was eleven years old. Her mother taught her at home, encouraging her to write at a very young age. At the age of 16, she went to Mrs Dryden’s finishing school in Paris to study singing and piano.

Her first marriage, an unhappy one, was in 1914 to Colonel Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps. The couple had one daughter, Rosalind Hicks. They divorced in 1928, two years after Agatha discovered her husband was having an affair. It was during this marriage that she published her first novel in 1920, The Mysterious Affair at Styles. During World War I she worked at a hospital and then a pharmacy, a job that influenced her work. Many of the murders in her books are carried out with poison.

In 1930, Christie married the archaeologist Sir Max Mallowan. Mallowan was 14 years younger than Christie, and a Roman Catholic, while she was of the Anglican faith. Their marriage was happy in the early years, and endured despite Mallowan’s many affairs in later life, notably with Barbara Parker, whom he married in 1977, the year after Christie’s death.

In 1971 she was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Agatha Christie died on 12 January 1976, at age 85, from natural causes, at Winterbrook House in the north of Cholsey parish, adjoining Wallingford in Oxfordshire (formerly Berkshire). She is buried in the nearby St. Mary’s Churchyard in Cholsey.

Christie’s only child, Rosalind Hicks, died on 28 October 2004, also aged 85, from natural causes. Christie’s grandson, Mathew Prichard, was heir to the copyright to some of his grandmother’s literary work (including The Mousetrap) and is still associated with Agatha Christie Limited.

Agatha Christie’s first novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles was published in 1920 and introduced the long-running character detective Hercule Poirot, who appeared in 33 of Christie’s novels and 54 short stories.

Her other well known character, Miss Marple, was introduced in The Murder at the Vicarage in 1930, and was based on Christie’s grandmother.

Agatha Christie was revered as a master of suspense, plotting and characterization by most of her contemporaries and, even today, her stories have received glowing reviews in most literary circles. Fellow crime writer Anthony Berkeley Cox was an admitted fan of her work, once saying that nobody can write an Agatha Christie novel but the authoress herself.

This is one of my favorite writer, and she known as Agatha Christie when she wrote detective novel. But she known as Mary Westmacott when wrote roman novel. Christie has been called the best-selling writer of books of all time and the best-selling writer of any kind, along with William Shakespeare by Guinness Book of World Records. Only the Bible is known to have outsold her collected sales of roughly four billion copies of novels. UNESCO states that she is currently the most translated individual author in the world with only the collective corporate works of Walt Disney Productions surpassing her because Christie’s books have been translated into (at least) 56 languages.

Her stage play, The Mousetrap, holds the record for the longest initial run in the world, opening at the Ambassadors Theater in London on 25 November 1952, and as of 2008 is still running after more than 23,000 performances. In 1955, Christie was the first recipient of the Mystery Writers of America’s highest honor, the Grand Master Award, and in the same year, Witness for the Prosecution was given an Edgar Award by the MWA, for Best Play. Most of her books and short stories have been filmed, some many times over (Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile and 4.50 From Paddington for instance), and many have been adapted for television, radio, video games and comics.

In 1968, Booker Books, a subsidiary of the agri-industrial conglomerate Booker-McConnell, bought a 51% stake in Agatha Christie Limited, the private company that Christie had set up for tax reasons. Booker later increased its stake to 64%. In 1998, Booker sold its shares to Chorion, a company whose portfolio also includes the literary estates of Enid Blyton and Denis Wheatley

source :

Today History

14 September

14 September 1960, OPEC is founded in Baghdad. OPEC is akronim of Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. The first member of OPEC is just 5 countries which is Arab Saudi, Irak, Iran, Kuwait, and Venezuela. Purpose of this organization is ensuring stabilization of price in international oil market. Actually there is 13 member in 2008, but recently in 10 september 2008 indonesia is officially out from OPEC. Because Indonesia now become oil importir, and indonesia can be member again if Indonesia become oil exportir again.

source : various source

Today History

13 September

13 September 1985, Game Super Mario Bros is release by Nintendo Entertainment System in Japan. These game is very classic and every veteran gamer had been playing it. In Super Mario Bros, we can choose character to be Mario (red) or Luigi (green). This game have 8 levels and divided by 4 stages. The Storyline is to rescue the prince that kidnapped by King Koopa. Genre of this game is action. The main character had 3 form : small, big, and big with fire. Killing the enemy can be doing by jump to the enemy head, or throw fire to the enemy. But there are special condition when the character take the star then the character can kill the enemy just by touch the enemy for limited time. In each level we must fight the King Koopa in the end of stages.

source : various source

Today History

12 September

In 12 September 1959, Bonanza Premiers. Bonanza is first regularly-scheduled TV program presented in color. Bonanza series tell about adventure of Cartwright family which is headed by thrice widowed patriarch Ben Cartwright (Lorne Greene). He had three son, each of them by different wife. The oldest is Adam Cartwright (Pernell Roberts), the second is Eric Cartwright (Dan Blocker), and the youngest is Joe Cartwright (Michael Landon). And the family cook is Hop Sing (Victor Sen Yung). The storyline deals with Ben and his three dissimilar sons, how they cared for one another, their neighbors and their land.

Picture of Bonanza Family
Picture of Bonanza Family

source : various source