Motivation Thought

6 Hand Shake Away

Sunday night after I’m went On-on(cross country hiking) then I’m watch Golden Ways from Metro TV. The presenter is Ully Herdinansyah, the motivator is Mario Teguh and the theme is “Jadinya Aku, Terserah Aku”. This show is actually very inspiring, but the most inspiring moment for me is when the Mario Teguh tell about 6 Hand Shake Away.

This is parable is about we can talk face to face anyone around the world max 6 hand shake. Example: you want to talk with britney spears. first from backward you need to know her manager, then you must know journalist or artist management that know or friend with the manager. Then you must know people that involved with journalist or that artist management. Last you must know people that know people that involved.

So how we find that people know that people that involved? you will find it if you really want to talk face to face with the people even though it can be more shorter if you find the manager first but that just for entertainer. Okay so what is the lesson? Don’t afraid to have dream met someone because you just need to find 6 right people before met them. I just hope that work for find the right one in love, just wait to met 6 right people before actually met the right one. 🙂

source : Mario Teguh

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