
American President Election

Tomorrow is American president election. This election is chosen from very careful decision. It’s chosen to be Tuesday after first Monday in November and now conducted in 4 November 2008. It’s chosen Tuesday because in the past it’s far distance to election place and it’s avoid people to go in Sunday. It’s chosen November because every farmer is not working because they had harvest before. And It’s Chosen Tuesday after first Monday because to avoid the election in 1 November. Why? it’s because 1 November is All Saint Day and to avoid Success or Failure business from previous month affected the choice. And if the Tuesday is 1 November then election is in next week because it’s chosen to be Tuesday after first Monday.

We may learn from America because they prepare the election is not like us which decide date of the election without good reason and just make the election day is holiday. Candidate for tomorrow election is Barrack Obama (Democrat) and John McCain (Republic). Barrack Obama is promising candidate to become president because he is smart, charming and have large money support. John McCain is underdog because Republic is hate by American People.

Before you choose, let’s me give you quick sight. More money taken then must give more reward to the people that given. They look smart because their counselor. They particularly have same purpose in rule the country. Then if you sure with your choice then happy choosing.

source : kompas

4 replies on “American President Election”

I know that the God of heaven is protecting our new president because there are many people who do not want him to be president. They have made our lives miserable here in the US. Families and friends are divided over this wonderful event. Lies tales and slander treason plots no gunfire because they caught them before they could shoot him. Hate is a terrible thing.

Thank you for saying kind things about Barak Obama because many bad things are being said about him. This gives me courage and faith!


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