
Donkey Brigde

In Christmas night, i watch Kick Andy. The show tell about children that have amazing ability with theme “Tunas-Tunas Harapan Bangsa”. And one of the children from Bali have ability that can remember card order from 1 to 52, can remember many numbers in one minute. So the host surprise and asked what the secret. The child say it just like story and symbolize the Number and Symbol in thing like two is duck, or the shovel is fire. The host responded it make harder because we need to remember the symbol.

Then this trick from childhood called Donkey Bridge is pop out into my head. This trick actually i think that the child talk. It is simple to remember thing we can make word or acronym from all the sentence. Example to remember order of rainbow is “me ji ku hi bi ni u” –> Merah(Red), Jingga(Orange), Kuning(Yellow), Hijau(Green), Biru(Blue), Nila(Nila), Ungu(Purple). So if you need to remember order of something you can make your own Donkey Bridge.

source: various source

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