
My First Monkey Love

When i’m driving home then my heart flooding by my past love and i decide to make my love life into post. Because i want to remember what lesson that i learn from them, and maybe you can learn by reading my stories. My first monkey love it’s happen when i’m in elementary school, and i can’t remember exactly in what level but i think it is in 3rd level.

The story began when i’m in 3rd level and i just hate school that time because the headmaster is ask the student which is they take a bath in the morning. And she asked me often then i will answer honestly that i don’t take a bath, so she will make comment of that and people will avoid me that day.

It change when the new classmate name Nadia Hutagalung came, although her name like the name of the famous model but is not her. She is mixed from asia and australia and mixed people usually very beautiful, but i just hope to be her friend at that time. Then it just like dream come true when teacher put her in same desk with me