Wise Thought

Glow In The Dark Wisdom

When I’m in high school there are new trend, this trend is about everything that can glow in the dark like T-Shirt, Watch, Sticker, accessories and many other. And then time goes on and i forgot about thing that can glow in the dark. But 2 days ago i found my Glow in the dark T-Shirt and then i wore it to sleep. When i woke up early in the morning and i saw my T-Shirt is glowing then the wisdom is come to my mind.

The Wisdom is we don’t know how precious ourselves if we always compare ourselves with the other. It is like Glow in the dark thing when in the bright light then it will not show any light because it’s too busy to compare it’s own light with the other. And when there are no light then it will illuminate it’s own light because nobody to be compare and naturally it’s have potency to illuminate light. So, don’t compare yourself with the other because everyone is unique and have it’s own abilities and life.

One reply on “Glow In The Dark Wisdom”

makasih sebelumnya mas deni dah sempat mampir dirumah sederhana saya..dan sepertinya saya perlu banyak belajar bhs inggris dari anda 🙂 atau lain kali tips yang aka saya post saya kirim dulu ke anda supa diterjemahkan salam bhs inggris hehehehe

by the’s nice article and all i can say is that everyone is beautiful in every single way…


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