
Rules to Comment

Because little accident yesterday than I Think needed some rules to Obey to make comment, because if not then it will be delete. This rule is taken from one of my friend blog and additional rule that i add.

The Twelve Rules is:

1. Clear Name
It is like when in real world it’s not ethic when we called someone with hey friend of … than called by a name. So, if you want leave your relationship you can add in comment not in name.

2. No Junk
I Think it clear, No SARA and Junk.

3. Read Before Write
Don’t make comment just to make a comment or even just to promote your product.

4. Polite
Use polite word.

5. Emoticon
To be more friendly add emoticon.

6. Contribution
Make comment that add value of the post or discussion.

7. Critics with good intention
If you needed to critic, just leave critic with good intention.

8. Ask what you don’t sure
If you don’t sure about the post topic you can ask.

9. Make Good Impression
Leave Worthy Comment or Respond From Other Comment will leave good impression.

10. Don’t Flame
If you don’t agree with my blog don’t make a rude comment because just waste energy and time. Instead you just leave, there are many blog out there.

11. Humor
Add a little Humor to your comment.

12. Leave Mark
Back regularly and become a new friend.

And if your comment not fulfill one of the rules then it depend on me to delete the comment.

4 replies on “Rules to Comment”

@fajar it’s in the past and i considered is done, it’s about one of my post, and that is my fault so i tend to leave it in the past, but if you want to know just ask Q2 people because they know too.

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