Daily Life

Moving to New Cubicle

Yesterday I’m suppose moving to new cubicle, but yesterday my new cubicle is still occupied and my PC is stored in meeting room called Bima. So actually today I’m moving to new cubicle. First impression when moving to my new cubicle is oh my god I’m back with CRT Monitor. Then when i want to assemble my PC, a problem occurred. The problem is my monitor cable is missing, so i ask the ITS to provide it. Then after some time the ITS is coming and Ta Da my PC is on again. And then i start to blogging and accidentally I’m aware that my new cubicle now is very cold. And because I’m very cold then I’m looking around and then i realize that my place is in the center of the room, so everyone will know what I’m doing. Oh no my new cubicle is not strategic to doing something not related to work like watching movie, playing game, and browsing. It is not like my old cubicle which is a place that warm, in the corner of the room, and strategic to doing something not related to work. when i grudge about my new cubicle then pop up a wisdom word. The wisdom word is “when God closed one door for you, actually God Open one door also, so don’t just look for one door“. In other word is mean that never look back just moving forward, so life must go on i think. And then i congrats my self “welcome to new cubicle, wish you happy”.

4 replies on “Moving to New Cubicle”

Yup many of us get the CRT monitor, but it is not as bad as what I thought before. Well, I’m not it strategic position too… but there is always ways to do majibu activities..

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