Wise Thought

Gratitude, key to feel happy

When we are in bad condition like poor, fired, break up, and other bad condition, usually we forgot to express our gratitude to god that we still life and can do thing. But it is weird even when we in good condition like rich, promoted, hook up and other good condition, we still forget to express our gratitude to god for good thing happen in our life. So gratitude is not related to our condition but to our mind, which is if we awaken then we will always express our gratitude to god for bad or good thing happen in our life. And by show your gratitude to god slowly we will increase our wisdom capacity, which is to find positive thing from our life. Later we can show our gratitude not just to god but to people in our life to show thank you, and we will know how important they are to our life.

Lets try to express gratitude to god.

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