Wise Thought

Origin Destination Wisdom

When I’m going to office this morning, there are some police is stopped my way. And I’m little confused, afraid, and worry all feeling is mixed, but then there is one person without uniform ask where do you want to go? Then I’m reply “i want to go to Kediri street number 38 (my office place)” because I’m very surprise. But then the person ask again “where is it? Kuta? Nusa Dua?” Then I’m reply “Kuta”, and then the Person let me through. When I’m leaving the place, i see a sign that tell sorry for inconvenient because Origin Destination Survey. Then something growing in my mind about Origin Destination and after some time i see same activity in opposite direction, so this wisdom is pop up in my mind. Actually it can’t be called a wisdom, because it’s just a contemplation but who know it will inspire person.

What is our origin destination in life? Heaven or Hell? Everybody will say sure is Heaven, than i will ask you do you fit in Heaven? then people will give a reason why they fit in heaven. But if just a reason why we fit in heaven then everybody will find it. So it is not about a reason, is about feeling inside your heart which tell to you that you fit in heaven without doubt. Then you can continue your activity but if it is still a little doubt then you can continue to read.

What is the problem why your heart feel doubt? maybe it is about your scoundrel to your parent, or it is just because you trespassing red light, or it just because you often harm a animal. It is not about religion so i will not say if you do something than you will be punish with something. But actually when your heart telling you that you not feel ease if doing something than your heart will feel that you not fit in heaven. So if we want to go to heaven in our life then we must doing something that we feel ease in heart. Than Hopefully when we die we will go to Heaven.

The Origin Destination Wisdom is “You must do something you feel ease even when everyone think is weird” why is it? because your heart will guide your way to your heaven in life, why wait until you die.

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