Sega Toys now announced they will start selling a robotic hamster starting August 8th. The company plans to produce no less than 100,000 units yearly. Sega Toys says their main target group are not kids, but females between 20 and 40 years old (at least in Japan).
Dubbed Yume Hamusutaa (Dream Hamster), the robot will start moving when you take it into the palm of your hand. And it looks cute – very. Three versions of the thing will be available: a Golden hamster, a so-called Roborovski hamster and the Winter White Russian Dwarf hamster (which really exists).
The 3.5-inch hamster will cost $11 each and is Japan-only at this point.
source : http://www.crunchgear.com/2008/07/31/sega-toys-presents-a-new-robot-animal-the-dream-hamster/